
Premix silos for South African Cargill plant

Premix silos for South African Cargill plant

Provimi, which is Cargill’s animal nutrition and premix business, is currently rolling out a U.S. $20 million investment in South Africa. By the end of last year, Cargill gained a majority share of NuTec, a manufacturer of vitamin and mineral premix for the animal nutrition industry.

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Prominent order gravel silos

Prominent order gravel silos

In some industries square is rare, but it is time for a change. Where the food and feed industry rely heavily on the concept of square silos, the construction sector hardly applies this economical storage solution.

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Economic combination with stainless steel?

Economic combination with stainless steel?

Some dry bulk and solids have a corrosive character or require maximum hygiene. There are numerous special silo coatings, but nothing beats stainless steel. At the same time, black steel is more advantageous financially.

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Why our silos are bolted

Why our silos are bolted

Large silo installations require tremendous precision. Silo users demand an extreme tight silo for sanitary reasons. This pushes us to the limit regarding the individual silo parts tolerances. In particular, very tall silo installations are challenging.

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Innovation: ultra slim wall panels

Innovation: ultra slim wall panels

A smooth wall silo has a sanitary design and it got its strength from inside reinforcements, creating a hollow wall space. Especially with small bins for e.g. minerals or micro components, the hollow wall space absorbs storage volume. Therefore TSC introduces an innovation: ultra slim wall panels.

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Major square silo building for China

Major square silo building for China

TSC reports a large silo building order to be erected in the central Chinese province of Shaanxi. The installation will be part of an animal nutrition plant extension, operated and owned by a substantial German premix specialist. The 60 bins contain almost 12.000m3 of storage capacity will be erected from late 2014. It is TSC’s first project […]

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Spelt silos

Spelt silos

The spelt market has grown massively over the last decade thanks to recognition of its nutritional benefits and taste. Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat, is a very old grain and a distant cousin of wheat. It has a unique gluten structure which makes it easier to digest and it is full of nutrients and fibres.

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Renewed and expanded office for TSC

Renewed and expanded office for TSC

In the past few months, TSC’s office has been renewed, expanded and redecorated. Because of the growth over the past few years – in both turnover as number of employees – the office became too tight.

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Extraordinary bin sizes

Extraordinary bin sizes

Long time ago square silo bins were 2 or 3 meters wide. Continuously increasing economies of scale within the processing industry demand however higher capacities.

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Square silos for award winning brewery

Square silos for award winning brewery

In their ambition to become a nationwide brand, the award winning Founders Brewing Co. is expanding its production facilities. TSC announces it received an order from Bühler North America to supply the square silos for the storage of the raw materials, required for this expansion.

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Bulkopslag naar een hoger plan?

Met onze kennis van droge bulkgoederen en silo’s tillen we procesopslag naar een hoger plan. Meer informatie? Mail naar info@tsc-silos.com, bel met +31 (0)543 473 979 of stuur een bericht.
