In their ambition to become a nationwide brand, the award winning Founders Brewing Co. is expanding its production facilities. TSC announces it received an order from Bühler North America to supply the square silos for the storage of the raw materials, required for this expansion.

When the expansion is finished, the brewery will have capacity to produce 900,000 barrels of beer per year.

Founders Brewing Co. is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) and is currently ranked No. 26 largest US craft brewer, distributing to 32 states in both the US and Canada. Expectations are that Founders will have a top 10 ranking by the end of next year. The website classified Founders as the 3rd best brewery in the world in 2013, and two of Founders’ beers were among the BeerAdvocate’s top 10 beers in that same year.


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