TSC will be present at the POWTECH 2017: the sector’s leading exhibition in powder, granule and bulk solids technologies, held at the Nürnbergmesse in Nuremberg, Germany.
Tuesday the 26th of September will usher in three days of POWTECH 2017, the sector’s leading exhibition in powder, granule and bulk solids technologies. The POWTECH will be held at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre (NürnbergMesse).
TSC will be present at the POWTECH: the leading trade fair for processing, analysis and handling of powder an bulk solids. Our silo system is the most effective solution for dry and granular bulk goods and powders that are to be further processed into various types and grades.
We will be showcasing our modular square silo solutions and look forward to welcoming you in Hall 4, booth number 4-156.
We kindly invite you to visit us at the POWTECH 2017. Just email to info@tsc-silos.com with your name, company name and subject “POWTECH tickets”. Subsequently an e-code will be granted free of charge.
• No admission fee to the fair, save EUR 35,=.
• Direct entrance to the fair via the FastLane.
26 – 28 September 2017
Nuremberg, Germany
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg (NürnbergMesse)
Opening times
9:00 – 18:00h
(On the 28th from 9:00 – 17:00h)
TSC booth at the POWTECH 2017