TSC will be present at the VICTAM Asia 2016, to be held at the end of March 2016 in Bangkok, showcasing its modular square storage solutions.

The VICTAM events, held in Cologne and Bangkok, are the worlds’ largest and leading international exhibitions and conferences for the animal feed, petfood and aquafeed industries and also the biomass pelleting sector. TSC Silos will be present during the Asia 2016 edition in Bangkok and showcase its square silo solutions.

29 – 31 March 2016

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand

Opening hours
10:00 – 18:00 (29 – 30 March)
10:00 – 16:00 (31 March)

Organized by
Victam International BV


Booth TSC Silos

TSC VICTAM Asia 2016

TSC Top Silo Constructions calidad probada en todo el mundo
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