TSC Silos has been steadily growing for several years now, both in revenue and staff. Because of this growth, we moved to a brand new office, only about 30 meters away from our old office.

Moving from 7 to 3
In 2014, the mentioned growth led to us deciding to renovate our office. The following years were very succesful which is something we are of course proud of. The result was that our renovated office building was soon becoming too small again. Instead of opting for another renovation, we started looking for an entirely new building where we would be able to continue our growth for the foreseeable future. Soon we found the perfect location, only about 30 meters down the road from our old office. The last couple of months we’ve been busy decorating and moving. The small distance between the two offices came in very handy; we were able to move most of our stuff on foot!

On the 5th of October, TSC Silos officially moved into their brand new office. A big and important step forwards for all of us. Our office used to be based on the Tweede Broekdijk 7, this is now the Tweede Broekdijk 3. Except for changing the number, all our contact details remain the same. We feel like this move prepares us for a future of even more growth.

Of course the most important reason for moving was the need for more office space. This was also the perfect opportunity to take a step forwards when it comes to Health & Safety. For example, our desks are now easily adjustable so everybody can find a comfortable position to work in, whether that’s sitting down or standing up.
If you happen to be in the area, feel free to drop by for a cup of coffee. Keep an eye on our Social Media for a first peek of our new office.

Our full contact details

Top Silo Constructions BV
Tweede Broekdijk 3

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