A smooth wall silo has a sanitary design and it got its strength from inside reinforcements, creating a hollow wall space. Especially with small bins for e.g. minerals or micro components, the hollow wall space absorbs storage volume.

Therefore TSC introduces an innovation: ultra slim wall panels. These panels are 50% slimmer compared to the standard wall panels and still meet the constructive strength requirements. Ultra slim wall panels are typically suitable for bin sizes varying from 1.5 meters down to 1 meter or even less.
The storage capacity increases significantly up to +10%, while at the same time being more economical as they require less steel.

Shortly after TSC introduced the ultra slim wall panels, already two orders can be announced. Vobra (specializing in pet food) and ABZ (a Dutch feed miller) were both looking for a small square silo block with smooth walls. The first project is commissioned by Ottevanger Milling Engineers, the latter by Heemhorst International, both Dutch recognized turnkey feed milling equipment suppliers.

In short: less steel, more capacity. As TSC guarantees.

TSC Top Silo Constructions calidad probada en todo el mundo
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